Copywriting Services and Content Writing

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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Have no time for content writing? Lacking resources to develop bilingual content? Was your last blog posted several months ago?

Turn to copywriting services that can regularly deliver engaging and professional content that your company would be proud of.


What Are the Common Issues Found in Business Copywriting?

Good business copy has:

Good professional copywriting will create content that builds interest. Information and research are critical, but a little mystery will keep visitors reading copy through to the end.

Choosing keywords for website content is critical. You have to first find the keywords that your target market is looking for, and then balance with the competition on those keywords. This is the key to increasing web traffic from search engines.

Keywords can be difficult to integrate into website copy content, especially for inexperienced writers. Very noticeable keywords that don’t seem to fit into the flow of an article can be off-putting to readers. Professional web writing puts a high emphasis on content flow, structure, and grammar.

If visitors want to know more, writing should provide internal and external links so they can read more on the topic, if they desire. Linking to interrelated subjects will not only enhance the understanding of readers, but increase their appreciation of your professionalism.

Visitors may get lost if the website copy content is too long. Conversely, if it is too short, the content will come off as superficial or overly simplistic.

What Are the Elements of Good Business Marketing Copy?

The following best practices guide us when we create your new content. We:

    1. Research the topic in-depth to ensure the marketing copy is up-to-date and original. We check all other blogs, news sources, networks, and websites to see what is new with your topic and how your writeup can contribute to the discussion.
    2. Set an appropriate topic and angle for your content. For example, when we write on technical topics, which are primarily geared toward a technical audience, we use the proper technical vocabulary throughout the content. We are conscious of the fact that for less technical readers, we can create content with a completely different vocabulary.
    3. Aim to engage readers. Business marketing copy is about soft promotion. In order to create convincing content, we must know what people are interested in and deliver it.
    4. Keep the marketing angle of your content balanced with the tone. We want to promote your product or service, but we don’t want your content to sound transparent, insincere, or condescending.
    5. Carefully and consistently revise your content. Nothing looks more unprofessional than careless typos or business marketing copy that hasn’t been updated in years.
    6. Use simple language as much as possible. Professional writing provides a high caliber of writing, but never alienates readers with unnecessarily academic or inaccessible writing.
    7. Organize your copy and break the information down into logical bite-sized chunks. We provide guidance to the content structure so readers can easily find what they are looking for.
    8. Strive to be creative. Copywriting is all about original, tailored content made specifically for your company. We make your business marketing copy your own, and set it apart from everything else out there.
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