Marketing Analytics & Marketing ROI

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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Boost your marketing effectiveness by measuring your marketing ROI.

Collecting and assessing marketing analytics are the best ways to gauge marketing effectiveness and boost the return on investment (ROI) of marketing. Marketing effectiveness depends on many factors, from the marketing positioning strategy of a particular campaign, through to the design of its visual elements, its target audience, and the various campaign offers. Precise ROI calculation can determine exact priorities and what valuable resources are necessary in order to execute them. In digital marketing campaigns, measuring marketing ROI is much easier than traditional marketing measures.

marketing analytics

Why Measure Marketing Performance?

Marketing analytics provide relevant knowledge to optimize a company’s marketing performance and effectiveness. This allows us to spend resources wisely, making constant adjustments that lead to dominating the competition.

Keywords are an example of marketing metrics that can be analyzed and become valuable to your business. In search marketing, keywords help you to understand what prospects are looking for on the web which can, in turn, help you design your solution according to their online behaviour. Monitoring keyword searches could also hint at emerging trends.

Here are the main reasons for and benefits of measuring marketing performance:

Every marketing campaign has different measures, and thus it is important to set your business KPI (Key Performance Indicators) before each campaign. These marketing measures may be anything from getting new sales contacts, to getting signups for a newsletter, to increasing the number of webinar attendees. Each KPI reflects the marketing effectiveness of a particular campaign and overall relevance to your business goal.

By identifying the level of interest of prospects, a company can focus its marketing campaigns for better results.

Through the use of marketing performance indicators, an online marketing campaign can be continually adjusted to achieve better results and ROI. Web layout design, website content, and marketing strategy can all be tweaked according to marketing performance results. This ensures that you allocate and prioritize your resources more efficiently.

Once you have all the information and have measured your selected data, it is time to take action. This process will allow you to quantitatively identify possible flaws, but also strong points in your marketing endeavors, and as a result, grants you the ability to adjust your strategy and continuously enhance your performance.

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Solid marketing campaigns are never conducted blindly. Lead and demand generation efforts will prove more effective with a careful review of measured marketing results. By implementing ROI calculation and measuring the marketing performance of a particular campaign, you can maximize the success of the campaign and your overall marketing ROI.

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