Marketing Automation Tools: Implementation for Results

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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Use Marketing Automation Tools to Better Understand the Journey of Prospective Clients

The responsibility of modern client prospecting is always placed upon marketing automation tools. Whether identifying new prospective customers or measuring the effectiveness of marketing activities,  our marketing automation services will offer you a window toward data that is critical for your sales pipeline and the conversion of potential clients.  These tools can:

    • Convert anonymous prospective clients into specific contacts
    • Automate marketing functions to afford more time for other activities
    • Track prospect journey along the sales funnel
    • Measure ROI upon execution of various marketing activities

marketing automation

Outsource Marketing Automation Services

However, most small-medium companies have limited marketing resources, and cannot afford to invest in a full-time marketing department that can fully utilize all of the available tools. Therefore, many companies outsource their marketing automation to an agency, which can act as an extension of the company and effectively operate automation tools to their full potential.

B2B marketing automation services can be executed autonomously and ensure your organization receives regularly quality new client leads.

Types of Marketing Automation Solutions

Here are a few categories of automated tools that can make it easier for marketers to impact the company’s bottom line:

These can help marketers learn about their ideal target markets. Data may be collected through surveys, social media listening tools, or other web behavioural analysis tools. Statistical analysis can then be applied, allowing companies to better construct their marketing strategy and project results more accurately.

As discussed in our section on search engine optimization, the algorithms of search engines are rapidly changing. Efficiently keeping up with these changes and trends as a marketer in a small-medium business is close to impossible. Search engine marketing tools, therefore, are a form of marketing automation that enable marketers to cut the meticulous work that needs to be done to ensure high rankings on search engine result pages.

On the surface, web analytics tools seem easy to use, especially if you use the very user-friendly interface that Google Analytics provides. However, this is not the only web analytics tool on the market and there are other paid tools that can provide a deeper analysis of your web traffic. This is necessary to determine whether your site is really driving the quality and quantity of traffic that will generate leads and revenue for your company.

For those who need to constantly manage the content on their website but don’t have a grasp on the finer points of HTML coding and other programming languages, a web content management system (WCMS) can provide website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools. This allows administrators to implement marketing automation within the company to easily create and manage website content. It also enables collaboration, so that multiple departments within the company can maintain and update their own sections of a webpage. If a website is current and updated, it draws potential clients.

Even when trying to create a unique marketing campaign, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel and ignore decades of past marketing. Marketing campaign automation programs can help marketers use proven and successful marketing techniques to create, test, and maintain web landing pages and HTML email campaigns.

Marketing campaigns can get complicated, especially when trying to create multiple campaigns for different segments of potential and existing clients. Automation tools can help execute and monitor the efficiency of campaigns, whether managing email campaigns or ad campaigns.

When you invest in B2B lead generation, you must be ready to understand how to handle the resulting leads. It is very common to see companies collecting large lists of prospects and then failing to capitalize on their full potential. Some automation platforms boost this potential by explicitly setting priorities when exploring potential clients. Using a quantitative approach, lead capture tools can collect and rate user data based on set criteria, such as account information or more implicit methods,  which include AI (Artificial Intelligence) and behavioural analysis. This ties closely with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales Force Automation (SFA) and Marketing Automation, popular tools for managing a company’s interactions with its clients.

As illustrated in our lead nurturing section, the conversion of clients is about building relationships over longer periods of time. However, many small-medium companies need to remain focused on the here-and-now, moving between different pressing situations, and often don’t have the time to invest in longer term relationships with an indeterminate date for payoff. Fortunately, some marketing tools are available that can make it easy to follow up on leads and deliver the right amount of nurturing. These include event-triggered communications, lead nurturing multistep segmentation, and automatic responses. These automation tools will allow your company to keep a solid handle not only on current clients, but prospective ones as well.

Marketing automation must be implemented with a good foundation of marketing strategy and branding. If you think your company is ready to invest in automation services, speak with us about your implementation options.

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