Website Analysis: Is Your Website Healthy?

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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Website analysis


I meet owners of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on a weekly basis and the very first thing I do is look at their company’s website. Websites are indicative of how much focus your company puts into marketing, both online and offline. Nowadays, your company’s site acts as the window to your brand’s soul, so it is worth performing a regular website audit to make sure you are obtaining optimal site ROI.

Let me suggest a few questions which will allow  you to perform your own quick website audit and determine whether or not your company’s site is “healthy”. Please answer the following questions by saying “yes” or “no”:

    1. Does your company’s website generate enough weekly or monthly enquiries?
    2. Would a person who lands on the site for the first time understand in one minute what you offer and why they should do business with you?
    3. Have you changed your web design in the last two years?
    4. Do you develop new and original content for the site on a regular basis?
    5. Is your company’s site mobile-friendly?
    6. Do you track and measure how your site is doing?
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Final Words

If you answered “no” to at least two of the above questions, you should consider investing more in marketing activities to increase your website ROI and to start bringing in additional prospective clients.

If you would like to receive our advice, schedule a free consultation call and we’ll be happy to discuss your website analysis.

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