B2B Lead Generation: Marketing Tactics and Trends

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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B2B Lead Generation Tactics

It’s time to take a look at some of the marketing tactics and trends in B2B lead generation. In a recent survey conducted by
Chief Marketer, we can find several insights into how marketers are tackling lead generation and the current trends in attracting new clients.

Hot B2B Lead Generation Programs

According to the results, 41.5% of respondents were focusing primarily on finding new customers in 2013, with 43.6% focusing on current customers, but still hoping to build awareness among potential customers. It is clear that in the current market, demand creation and lead generation are as hot as the summer season. For companies that are planning on staying stagnant with their customer base, with little efforts on creating new leads, there is great potential for them to lose out to companies that are more aggressive with their marketing tactics.

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Nurturing B2B Lead Generation Tactics

With the importance of lead generation highlighted, the focus then shifts to the marketing tactics and how these companies are planning to drive customers to their business. The top trend continues to be email marketing, with 86.7% of respondents planning on using email campaigns in 2013, up from 80.3% in 2012. Whether it be newsletters, promos, or simple correspondences, email marketing continues to dominate the landscape as one of the most effective methods of generating leads.

Social B2B Lead Generation

The use of social networks in marketing has also continued to be a favourite among companies for B2B lead generation. In fact, 67.5% of marketers intend to use social networks in 2013, up 10% from 2012. More broadly, companies are turning to sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to increase brand awareness and build new client leads.

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The biggest  method to have gained traction in 2013 was content marketing, with 60.2% of respondents planning to focus on web copywriting to bring in clients, up 14% from 2012. The importance of strong, search engine friendly content on web pages and blogs is essential in order to get your name out there and generate traffic to your site.

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Final Words

While each of these marketing tactics can be effective, there is no comparison to when they are combined in an integrated marketing strategy, which creates a cohesive plan that is sure to attract clients. 

A business that employs B2B lead generation consistency across their email campaigns, social media feeds, and website content, using the same style, layout, and content voice among all marketing tactics, will always be more successful than those that lack cohesion.

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