Business-To-Business Marketing Horror Stories

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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Every year on Halloween, people of all ages turn off the lights, cuddle up on the couch, and watch their favorite horror movie. While Halloween only happens once a year for everyone else, I am faced with horror stories all year long. On a weekly basis, I meet with companies that are living their very own nightmares as a result of their own marketing inexperience and unpreparedness. While I am the first to agree that business-to-business marketing is no easy task, I am also the first to admit there are always ways to try and avoid problems. So for this Halloween, we here at Direct Objective have a little treat in store for you. Turn off the lights, cuddle up on your office chair, and get ready for our very own Business-to-Business horror stories… candy not included.

Chapter 1 - Marketing Without Measuring

Companies who spend large amounts of money on marketing should live by one word: measuring. If marketing initiatives are put in place without the ability to measure key performance indicators, then why bother? Make sure that you have the right plan in place in order to fully reap the benefits of your marketing initiatives and not fall victim to the Marketing Grim Reaper.

Chapter 2 - Branding Is NOT Forever Young

The branding of your company is not where you should cut corners. While a substantial investment into your online content, signage, and logo is definitely recommended, remember that over time, as the industry around you changes, so too should your branding. Allocate an annual budget for revamping your website, marketing material, and even your logo, if necessary, to avoid being viewed as the Mummy of your industry.

Chapter 3 - Marketing Tactics Are Not Automated

So, your company wants to invest more in various marketing tactics? While this is a step in the right direction, do not think that merely setting it up is enough. Integrate and automate your tactics to ensure that your social media, email campaigns, SEO, PR, and other campaigns are aligned accordingly. Not doing so would be the equivalent of getting lost in a haunted house. Avoid it and plan ahead!

Chapter 4 - To Go International or Not to Go International

Every year innovative products are developed, successfully tested in local markets, and 7 years later there is still no attempt to break into the international arena. In today’s business market, the world has become a global village, easily accessible to all who want to access it. Cut down your time-to-market by daring to enter the international market – you’ll find that it’s a lot less trick and a lot more treat.

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Chapter 5 - International Expansion Needs International Experience

Breaking into the international market is better when you have someone that you trust with the knowledge on how to capitalize in that market. Before embarking on this new endeavour, make sure your company is ready for a new market and that you are attracting new leads in the market  for when your senior salesperson takes over. Remember, if the sales are not there… R.I.P.

Final Words

So there you have it, your very own business guide to avoiding B2B Marketing Nightmares. 

Now turn on the lights and get back to work!

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