Go-To-Market Plan

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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A Go-to-market Plan is an Essential Step in a Successful Lead-generation Process.

A clear go-to-market plan is the best way to ensure successful business growth. It will guarantee that separate campaigns will be well-integrated with one another and that they will all project the right marketing message. Think of the B2B go-to-market strategy as a roadmap to recruit new clients — the essential purpose of any business.

go-to-market plan

What Should the Go-To-Market Plan Consist of?

A comprehensive plan should include:

Which segment(s) would find your product/service most beneficial, while addressing their greater needs and immediate expectations? A good go-to-market strategy will allow you to recognize and act on trends and client profiles that fit with your company’s solution.

Understand what major factors differentiate your solution from other competitors in the market.

Present a clear message to prospective clients, so that they realize immediately why they need your solution and why it is better than others.

Prepare a go-to-market plan that provides you with maximum exposure to the ultimate target audience. Give your prospects a reason to contact you and ask for more information about your solution. This plan will maintain the relationship with your potential clients until they become paying customers.

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Marketing Plan as a Sales Accelerator

A go-to-market strategy must be practical and focused to produce results. Here are some tips for creating an effective plan:

It can be tempting to widen the scope of the target market, but this is counter-productive. A marketing plan will yield much better results if geared towards a specific and relevant target audience.

In today’s reality, it is hard to stand out from the competition. When prospects evaluate the best solution for them, they must understand in a split second why to choose your product/service over another.

When planning your marketing tactics, always address different types of personas. This will allow you to customize your campaigns to meet specific needs and attract relevant new contacts.

The more you monitor the campaign performance, the better you are able to reach improved results.

The go-to-market strategy helps you aim for and reach achievable goals and implement tactics that convert into client leads.

Ultimately, a business marketing strategy should exist as a dynamic document to guide the execution of lead-generation campaigns. For the plan to work, each campaign result must serve as a learning experience. When lessons are learned, they should immediately be incorporated into the next campaign. With constant updates to your plan, you’ll always have an effective marketing strategy.

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Contact Direct Objective today and create a viable go-to-market plan and strategy.

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