How to Measure Whether Your Website Optimization?

Gil Gruber, MBA

Gil Gruber, MBA

With over 20 years of diverse marketing and sales experience, Gil’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to serial success in various business ventures, recognized on the “Maverick of the Morning” CNN show and awarded with the “Best of the Web” from Forbes. Gil is a frequent speaker at conferences, associations, and international events about emerging trends in B2B marketing and business expansion. His book “Turn On Marketing” is available on Amazon.
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Today, your website is often the first place where your potential client finds you; it is your first impression. This means that you must ensure a high level of website optimization. So how do you know whether your site is effective or not? Here are some criteria you can use when assessing your website’s performance: 

    • Are you receiving enough enquiries? Whether they come through the traditional contact form on your site or through other online marketing tactics, the real question is: does the amount of online enquiries satisfy your sales pipeline? Assuming that you receive a hefty amount of traffic to your website, do you manage to convert them to prospects or do you find they move on to other sites?
    • Of the enquiries that do originate online, are they serious and relevant prospects? The content and design of your website attract a specific audience. Are they the potential clients that you are looking for? Or are those enquiries a waste of time for your salespeople?
    • Do you know who visits your site and where they’re clicking? Most companies settle for anonymous web traffic. But what if you were able to identify a potential client in real-time, track their Web activity, and start a dialog to better understand their level of interest?

Phases to Improve your Website Optimization:

    1. Collect information regarding visits to your website, which requires installation of web analytic tools that would collect specific information.
    2. Analyze the data and deduct what elements in your website drive the most potential clients.
    3. Optimize your Website SEO and usability.

Website optimization and usability are often thought of as two independent facets of a website but, in reality, this is never the case. A well-planned online strategy considers both of these aspects  and makes sure they support each other. It is true that search engine optimization plays a greater role in getting potential clients to a site, while usability is more focused on keeping them there, but this is changing. Google is constantly updating its ranking algorithm, and more recently one of the important aspects that Google takes into consideration is how your visitors value your site. In order to learn this, Google uses web analytics information to help define the ranking of your website. Thus, it is no longer enough to place a few keywords here and there, expecting your site will be highly ranked on search engines. You need to invest in your website’s usability.

Website optimisation
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Final Words

For more information on how content can affect your business’s image and exposure, read our more detailed website content development section. 

If you would like to understand the benefits of good website optimization, and just how it can help you find clients, look at our website design resource.

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